A Decade later
Let’s discuss what has happened to us over the last decade
Let’s discuss what has happened to us over the last decade. 10 Years .. A decade .. so much has happened ..so much has…
What has changed?
Am still Anjana .. playing all the roles I have come here to play in my life. At my core, I still feel I am very similar to what I was as a child. A lot remains the same. Do you know I hated going to the movies as a child as I found it very dark and loud.? 10 years ago, my husband and sons would go and I couldn’t .. still the same. The compassion I feel for people around I still did have as a child too ( It’s what been said to me by people at my Parents home ) I am still fun-loving .. Loved music and dance. Always wanted to look after everyone around me ( even if it was my sisters or my soft toys 😉 ) And now I feel that I want to look after all the Young ones around. I have a great relationship with most of my friends children and love the connect. It also helps me tap into my inner child.
Physically, well, see the photo all the way down… 10 years on .. I definitely don’t have the energy to dance like I used to 10 years ago. And I could sleep for 10-12 hours those days which now Impossible! I know there is a slight change in my physical body too ..But that’s Ageing ( and I hope to do that gracefully ) Also believe it or not, I definitely can not party the way I used to back then. . Ha Ha Ha!!! But I will still go to Winter wonderland and hope the kids play all the games and win lots of soft toys for me.
This is me ..December 2017 so excited with all the soft toys we had all won.
Emotionally – I think I have matured a bit ( But that You need to ask my Family and Friends ) I am still pursuing my passion which is Holistic Healing and Coaching. I may be a bit more Calm? Not as hyper as I used to be .. OK OK I know a lot of You are going to comment on this. I do enjoy all that I am doing and love the few small changes I have made to enhance my life. The simplest one being – Self-care and Self-love ( which I shall write about in on of my next few blogs )
But there is a bit of a debate in my head >
From within .. what has changed? Aren’t we the same people we have always been? This is a really big question .. and as I sit and write and contemplate about this, the one thing I truly feel is I as a being have not changed. I have grown, moulded, matured, experienced things in life that have affected my way of thinking or reacting.
What has changed and can change is just the way we can and do respond to things around us. The way we react to situations. Our experiences influence us. We grow in certain ways and that’s where we feel the outer change comes from. People, I feel do not change. Their priorities may change. Their attitude towards things may change. When people are hurt or dejected etc. they often change their behaviour. Their behaviour towards life, towards you, towards me .. But what changed was not them. It is the feelings, their attitudes , their priorities, their thinking , their experiences which influence their thoughts and thus make them feel and seem different. As I was going through this holistic journey, I moulded? I suddenly wanted different things. In this process, I lost certain friendships .. But think about it .. I had CHANGED my behaviour… what I thought was my priority then was no more. What I did for fun then, was not the same I felt now… I decided to change the way I wanted to be – not them .. so why should I blame them??
Is this too confusing???? Hmmm!!!!
OK ..So as this is holiday season I do not want to make this a very heavy read ..
So if in 10 years I do not post another photo with something weird on my head, You can definitely ask me “Why have You changed Anjana??”